DiRusso & DiRusso, Attorneys At Law.

Notable Attorneys

Surry County Criminal Defense Lawyers

At DiRusso and DiRusso, we are familiar with the local economy, the local employers, and the local court officials. Another advantage to hiring local counsel is availability. In larger cities, and in larger firms, the attorneys may not always be available and much of the interaction a client has may be with support staff, such as paralegals and legal assistants. At DiRusso and DiRusso, the attorneys are in regular contact with the clients, available by telephone, and regularly available for appointments.

At DiRusso & DiRusso, we have the legal knowledge and experience to protect you, no matter who or what is on the other side. We also have the compassion to know that you may be experiencing something very unpleasant and we are available to listen to you and seek solutions along the way. We are dedicated to our clients and show no allegiance to any other entity.   We not only counsel our clients on the current law, we provide statutes, rules, cases, and codes so that one may read the current law and have a deeper understanding of the relative law.

If you want to speak with a lawyer about your case, please call us today. There is never a fee for your initial consultation at DiRusso & DiRusso for Workers’ Compensation, Personal Injury or Social Security Disability cases.

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