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DUI Lawyer Los Angeles
Legal Issues 10/19/2009Los Angeles DUI LawyerLaw Firm Highlight of the Week Michael Bialys, a Los Angeles DUI lawyer also known as theDUI Guy, is the former managing partner of a large criminal defense firm. In his time in that role, he saw manymismanaged DUI cases a...
Large Law Firms Treat Minority Attorneys Better
Legal Issues 04/14/2008Attorneys at larger law firms are more satisfied with the treatment of lawyers from diverse backgrounds than lawyers at smaller firms, according to a newly released survey (.pdf) by the Cuban American Bar Association. The survey asked attorneys about...
In-House Jobs Not So Cushy or Exciting
Legal Issues 03/28/2008If you think a jump from a law firm to an in-house position is the ticket to a cushy, stress-free job, think again. The life of an in-house lawyer is not exactly a bed of roses.That’s the assessment of Gloria Noh Cannon, a former in-house lawyer who ...